If you can’t locate a power cable of the right length, it may be an opportunity to be creative and modify one by yourself. How to create customized length power cables in your at home.
You’ll need a double lock cable to get started. A double-lock cable will be accessible at any hardware retailer. You’ll also need a terminal and some solder, and a torch. When you have cut the cable down to your desired length and length, place a couple of pieces of solder inside an apron. Do not put too much solder into the vice, in case it spills. The amount is sufficient to take the vise to a half-full capacity.
After that, apply a torch to cook the solder. Once the solder is liquid, take out your torch and put the battery cable into the vise. Shut off gas. Allow the solder to be cool, then lift the heat shrink tub up to the top of the tube and warm the tub with the torch. This will provide the wire with improved electrical protection and also look appealing.
The process of altering the length of a power cable is fairly simple if you have the right equipment. Be sure to ensure proper safety during every step of the procedure.